

Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:45AM Worship Service

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

Shawnee Heights Baptist Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread beginning locally and expanding to the world. Scroll through these groups we support.

Disaster Relief

SHBC supports the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Disaster Relief (DR) ministry who’s mission is to demonstrate God’s love to people personally affected by disasters. The task is helping people with cleanup efforts in the aftermath of natural disasters (floods, wind storms, wild fires, earthquakes, etc.). The mission is to share the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to those impacted by disasters.

How can you get involved?

Kansas/Nebraska Baptist Disaster Relief assists with disaster response across the country. As volunteer teams minister to those affected, you can help. Here’s how:


Pray for the survivors, and for those ministering to them.


Give to Kansas/Nebraska Disaster Relief. 100% of the funds collected will go directly to Disaster Relief efforts. Financial contributions may be sent to KNCSB, 5410 SW 7th St., Topeka, KS 66606-2398.

In addition, your gifts to the KNCSB Viola Webb Offering for State and Associational Missions will help support KNCSB Disaster Relief. Find more information: http://kncsb.org/ministry/viola-webb-missions-offering/

Financial contributions may be sent to KNCSB, 5410 SW 7th St., Topeka, KS 66606-2398.

Please make contributions out to KNCSB and designate them for “Disaster Relief.”


Go with a KNCSB  Disaster Relief team to help with recovery. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Chuck Neece, KNCSB director of disaster relief, at (507) 430-1785 cneece@kncsb.org


“And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’” Matthew 25:40 (HCSB) Serving in disaster relief offers volunteers the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in areas of great need.





View video by Dalton Huey of Deep Wells Media LLC:


Alpha Children's Home

Alpha Christian Children’s Home has been ministering to children in need for 50 years.  They provide genuine love, compassion, character building, security, schooling and family to children who for different reasons are not able to live with their own families.  

Alpha’s mission is to provide:  

  • Family (an opportunity to become a member of a safe, loving family)
  • Faith (learning about a relationship with Jesus Christ)
  • Foundation (opportunities for healing, growth, and an individualized                   academic education)


Alpha is 100% privately funded.  They are always in need of financial support as well as food, clothing, and toys for the children. They also have a list of special needs.  Please feel free to go online to their website:  alphachristianchildrenshome.com to click the link to receive their newsletter. 

Shawnee Heights Baptist Church has been a supporter of Alpha Christian Children’s Home for over 10 years through a monthly financial donation and Christmas Tree ornament program.  This is a program in which a Christmas tree displays ornaments that list each child’s needs and wants.  Our church family buys these items, wraps them, and brings them to the church to be delivered to the Alpha house for the children to open Christmas morning.  In years past we have thrown a Christmas party with the families at the Home and other years we’ve either delivered the gifts only or contributed money for the families at the Home to buy the gifts themselves.  

Alpha Christian Children’s Home is a wonderful local ministry that has enriched so many young lives for many years.  It has been an honor and joy to get to know these families through the years and watch the children grow.  Many of the older children that we knew as teenagers have gone on to college and now are working and making a difference in their own communities.  Please be praying for this ministry and that God continues to provide everything needed to continue their mission.

Please also consider contributing to their mission by financial gifts to Shawnee Heights Baptist Church with your donation designated to Alpha Christian Children’s Home.    



Foster the Cause

Foster the Cause is a local bridge ministry-- bridging the gap that exists between the church and state as it relates to foster care. SHBC has partnered with Foster the Cause to assist our foster parents and families as well as supporting the Foster the Cause office and administrative needs. 


From the www.fosterthecause.org

In Kansas where foster care is privatized, the "state" also means the contracted child-placing agencies as well. We work to recruit, train and offer ongoing support to new Christian foster and adoptive families through the local Church. However, we are not responsible for licensing homes or the placement of children. We work alongside child-placing agencies (CPAs) who have partnered with us. It is our desire to help walk families through what can be a very confusing process.

Foster the Cause primarily works with churches in Shawnee and Douglas Counties--looking to expand to adjacent counties